
Saturday, August 18, 2012

8 Months

Sawyer's 8th month brought tons of changes with it!

We have a crawling, clapping, laughing silly little girl!

She loves to clap if anyone else is clapping or says yaaaay!

It takes a lot of concentration
She is 100% over wearing anything in her hair.  Sometimes I can slip something in without her knowing, but as soon as she discovers it...its gone.

The day Sawyer turned 8 months old, Barry and I were in her room packing her suitcase and we put her in her crib with some toys - she did this instead.

And was so proud of herself!  Barry immediately went out to the garage and got the tools to lower her mattress.  She is now pulling up on everything!

We pulled out some new toys for her this month that she had received as Christmas gifts and is now big enough to play with.

She especially loves this activity table...we started out with it on the floor, but it didn't last there too long because she was just using it to climb on so we added the legs...another thing to pull up on!

She is very into feeding herself now.  She loves to pick up and feed herself puffs, bananas (her favorite!), yogurt melts, bites of avocado and sweet potato.  I usually give her pieces of whatever I am cooking for Barry and I just to play with.

Giant Zucchini
She tried a lot of new fruits this past month and liked them all.  Mangos were a little touch and go at first, but now she's in.  She has also been doing really well feeding herself bottles.

But sometimes she gets distracted and tries to roll over, sit, crawl, drink from the bottom...which doesn't always work.

Sawyer got to spend some extra time with her cousins over the past month.  We went to Yoakum for a weekend to celebrate Aunt Cara and baby Logan.

Playing with her toy Uncle Derek made her
The kids had a blast painting a picture for Logan...Sawyer took it pretty seriously.

Thank you Pinterest.
Sawyer and Cora caught up over some face time.

We also spent a weekend with the Paweleks and my parents.  We all went to Julia's wonderful 1st Birthday party - which I took  no pictures of.  The guys all went golfing after and we had some girl time trying on Sawyers shoes and cleaning out her closet.  She was less than amused.

We had an Olympics opening ceremony party at our house...the babies stole the show.

It is so fun to watch all the kids really starting to interact with each other.  The Sawyer and Lori story continues.  Sawyer is obsessed.

Lori is annoyed.  She is good with Sawyer - she lets her hit pet her and grab her feet and her tail...just not for very long.

Can't you just see her rolling her eyes
Lori is also not super thrilled about having to compete with Sawyer for pieces of Barry's popcorn.  She doesn't know that Sawyer isn't actually going to get it...

Now that Sawyer is so mobile she has been super helpful around the house...pulling clothes out of the laundry basket...

and unloading the dishwasher.

The day she turned 8 months she weighed in at 16 pounds 14 guess was way off last month.  She is getting so big and not quite as easy to carry around all the time - more weight + extreme wiggling = lots of walking practice for Sawyer.

She is still in size 3 diapers and 3-6 month clothes - maybe when she turns 9 months we will move up.

She got her first tooth this month!! She is very shy about showing it off - we didn't even know she was getting it then one day she put my mom's finger in her mouth and there it was!  I'm sure soon enough we will have a big toothy grin, but for now I will take this sweet smile!

We love you squeaker girl!!


  1. She is adorable! Looks like she is having lots of fun getting into everything. I know how that goes!

    ps Where did you get her green polka dot chair?

    1. Thank you! I got it at Home Goods...tons of cute kids chairs there!


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