
Friday, July 10, 2015

Sawyer: 3 1/2 Years

Since most of my blogging lately centers around Ty's monthly updates, I thought I would do an update on Sawyer since she is officially 3 1/2.  

She basically wears this dress 5 days a week and has Potsy (sometimes 2 of them) in her hand at all times.  She likes to "fix his hair" and is very particular about the way her hair looks.  She is currently growing it out like Rapunzel so that she can climb on it.  She always wants a ponytail or a side pony or a "brave" like Elsa or Anna.  She must be wearing purple in some form or fashion at all times.  If not this dress, a bow (or 2) or her purple sparkle shoes.  She has the sweetest demeanor, except for when she is out.  She rarely takes naps anymore.  She always wants to help me and is very patient and sweet with Ty, unless he is pulling her hair or tackling her - she has no time for that and I don't blame her!  She loves going to school and is always talking about her friends.  She is constantly asking to go to her grandparents houses.  She has a major sweet tooth.  She loves stuffed animals and baby dolls, painting and watching her shows.  She does not like loud noises at all, or jelly.  She says she silliest things and tries to use common phrases often but they rarely make sense - tonight I asked her to put her PJs on and she said "Ok, mom.  If you don't mind" - things like that.  She wears size 4T and size 9 or 10 shoes.

Some of my favorite pictures of her since 3 year update:








Fun Facts about Sawyer according to Sawyer (and me)
What is your favorite color?  Purple

What is your favorite toy?  Pots

What is your favorite fruit?   Cheese (grapes, strawberries)

What is your favorite tv show?   Sophia

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?   Apples (what she was eating when I asked her, normally PB sandwich - no jelly)

What is your favorite thing to wear?  Butterfly dress (what she was wearing when I asked her, usually her purple polka dot sparkle dress)

What is your favorite game?  Candy land (I spy in the car)

What is your favorite snack?  Milk (what she was drinking when I asked her, really it is trail mix, yogurt or fruit snacks, or raisins)

What is your favorite animal?  Potsy

What is your favorite song? Sophia Song, Power Song  ("Light of Mine" or "The Aggie Song" which is really Deep in the Heart of Texas

What is your favorite book?  Frozen

Who is your best friend?  Chopsy (Potsy's other name aka Chopsy Potsy)

What is your favorite cereal?   Frozen

What is your favorite thing to do outside?   Play on the playground (or chalk or swing)

What is your favorite drink?   Juice 

What is your favorite holiday?   *Shrugs shoulders* "Halloween?  Is that a secret?"

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?   Levellie (among the other 1000 animals and countless blankets)

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Water (Waffle with PB)

What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner? Pizza

What do you want to be when you grow up?    *Holds ten fingers up and reaches up high* "I don't know.  Second question"

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